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Everglades National Park

Everglades = Alligators At the Royal Palm turnoff there are a huge variety of birds to see. Here is a black vulture. They also like to sit on cars! The cormorant is common here. On the right is a cormorant and a great white egret. Alligators are everywhere. Probably a bad place to go swimming! White ibis like to hunt for small prey near the water's edge. A great blue heron watches for small fish to swim by then harpoons them with his long, sharp bill. Here a little blue heron waits for an opportunity to catch a fish. A green heron takes a break along the shallow water. An anhiga dries it's feathers. Cormorants will also hold their wings out to dry off. A turtle warms itself in the morning sun. A younger alligator also likes to warm up in the morning sun. Here is a beautiful air plant growing in a tree. The Anhinga trail at Royal Palm is where most of the photos above were taken. The Gumbo Limbo trail is on a wooded hammock and is named for the gumbo limbo tree. Photos from this trail follow: Tree snails can be found along this trail. This specimen is about 2-1/2 inches long. The following are "One Square Inch" ™ photos taken along the trail: For more information from the National Park Service web site click here
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